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ElevationX BMX and multi-activity HAF Holiday Camp - Derby

Derby HAF logo
department of education logo

The ElevationX BMX and Multi-Activity HAF holiday camp is open to 8 to 15 year olds who receive benefit related free school meals within Derby.

The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme is funded by the Department for Education (DfE) to provide young people who are eligible for benefits-related free school meals with access to enriching activities and meals, for free, during the three main school holidays.


Participants on our holiday camp in Derby will have the opportunity to experience BMX activities on the BMX track, delivered by BMX professionals, as well as engaging in STEM and Arts and Crafts activities throughout each day. A hot meal will be provided at lunch time as well as snacks and drinks. If your young person is into BMX, or just wants to give it a try, this camp is definitely for them, plus there is plenty of other fun activities to do!

Young people take part in a range of activities and enjoy a nutritious meal each day.


Holiday Club Venue:

Derby Conference Centre
(park in car park B) and  
Derby BMX Track – DE24 8FD 


Will return for Easter - dates/times to be confirmed

Available for ages: 
8-15 years


Young people who are eligible should already have a HAF code from their school. Temporary codes can be obtained by professional referral or through the council as well. Are you eligible, not from the area but visiting Derby in this week? You can still apply below.

Please ensure that if you have a confirmed place but then can't make it for whatever reason, to let us know as soon as possible so we can offer the space to someone else in need of it.

ElevationX BMX and multi-activity HAF
Holiday Camp Application form - Derby

Is this application for a child that is eligible for benefit related free school meals?
Is this application for a child that is currently a refugee?
Is this application for a child that is currently in the care system?
Is this application for a child that has been referred to the HAF programme through a professional service/team?
Is the gender the child identifies with the same as their sex as registered at birth?
Type of school
Does the child have a special educational need and/or disability?
Does the child have, or in the process of applying for an EHCP?
Has the most up to date version of the EHCP been sent into the HAF progamme?
Upload File
Fish allergy
Dairy allergy
Gluten allergy
Other allergy
Is the child taking any medication?
Will the child need help with eating?
Will the child need help with toileting?
Will the child need help with communication?
Does the child require one-to-one support?

Please note if one-to-one support is required, we may need to discuss these requirements further to ensure we can provide the required support

Will medication need to be administered during the camp?
Select the child's normal meal type
How will the child be travelling to and from the sessions?
How did you hear about the HAF camps?
We would like to keep you up to date with future HAF delivery and other opportunities relevant to you from Derby County Council and our commissioned delivery suppliers via email. Would you like us to keep you informed?
I consent to the council and partner organisations taking and publishing photographs and/or images of myself or child/children for the purpose of promoting or publicising this activity
I consent to the photogaphs or images being placed on the council or partner organisations websites and I understand that these images will be available on the world wide web
Pick your dates:

Thanks so much for applying. We'll be in touch as soon as possible to confirm if your application is successful


To discuss anything further or for more guidance please email

We look forward to seeing you at a camp soon!

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